physical training & sports hypnosis


. Hypnotherapy and physical fitness .

Provided by an experienced and qualified hypnotherapist and psychotherapist

For an athlete, especially of professional status, the need to constantly develop and improve is essential. Sports Hypnosis, mental training and visualisation techniques will improve your sporting performance. Alongside physical training, it can fulfil your greatest ambitions; mental techniques and training are now often considered to be an essential part of any sportsperson’s regular routine.

Sports Hypnosis:

Hypnotherapy will support athletes to get the best from themselves both mentally and in turn physically. The use of hypnosis with guided imagery and creative visualisation, deep relaxation techniques and mental goal setting will greatly enhance sporting performance. Hypnotherapy will focus the mind on positivity and achievement to help you enhance your mental strength and improve your performance, focus and concentration in both training and competition.

When someone imagines taking part in a sporting activity under deep hypnosis, an observer may notice their muscles twitching, as well as changes in their breathing.

This is because it’s possible to mentally activate nerve fibres, which in turn causes muscle contractions. And through repetition, the muscles and the nervous system learn how to work together for optimum performance.

Sports Physical:

Provided by an experienced, dedicated and proven results personal trainer. Personal training will align your mental training with your physical aspirations. A training programme will be developed personally for you. It will take into account your sporting needs, physical requirements and goals. Your goals will be your trainers results.

Physically includes a nutritional programme to get your whole body capable of achieving both strength and performance.